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Hypnosis – Magic, Mystical or a Complete Hoax?

Although worldwide there are more hypnotherapists now than ever……

Hypnotherapy is often met with scorn, interest or fear.  It can be perceived as mystical, magical or a complete hoax.

There is a stigma around hypnosis that doesn’t appear with other therapies and yet hypnosis has been used for thousands of years.

How would Doctors be able to use hypnosis in medicine if it was a hoax?

Dr James Braid (1795 to 1860) was known as the Father of Hypnosis was a Neurosurgeon.

Dr James Esdaile (1808-1859)  Trained in Medicine at the University of Edinburgh.  Took up post as Surgeon in India and performed a large number of MAJOR operations using hypnosis significantly reducing the mortality rate of surgery. Anaesthesia did not exist at that time.

Sleep Temples both ancient Egypt and Greece used sleep temples for healing purposes. People came from all over and were guided into sleep with hypnotic suggestion.  To read about sleep temples click here

Stage hypnosis often is perceived as mind control and trickery.  And it is this reason that hypnotherapy has so many myths and misunderstandings around it.

Hypnotherapy or Hypnosis is a state whereby the critical faculty of the mind opens up and allows contact with the unconscious mind.  This is where change really happens.  The conscious mind on the other hand is the logical mind. You can make a decision to change with the conscious mind but the conscious mind does not create the change.   The unconscious mind does. It is where all our beliefs, stories, self image, habits and behaviours are programmed and all those things………control our lives 95% of the time.

If you want to break habits, behaviours, beliefs, Hypnotherapy is a great tool to do that,


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