A-Z of Urban Angel Therapists
A comprehensive A-Z directory of experienced and qualified therapists, specialising in a range of areas such as counselling, chiropractic care, hypnotherapy, massage, spiritual guidance, well-being support, and addressing mental health and physical issues. Find the perfect therapist to meet your unique needs and embark on a transformative journey toward healing and personal growth
A-Z of Therapists
First Name | Surname | Type of Therapist | Contact |
Abigail | Iquo Isuo | Integrative Transpersonal Psychotherapist | abigail@usa.com
07961963610 |
Akanksha | Kalra | Ayurvedic Practitioner | kalra.akanksha@gmail.com
Alex | Jordon | Psychotherapy
Counselling |
07763 415 196 |
Alison | Munir | Aesthetics | alison.munir@nhs.net
Alison | Stephenson | Massage | ali@masseratherapies.co.uk
07791 393 212 |
Amanda | Hodgson | CBT | Amanda.hodgson@clearmindscbt.co.uk
07403 586624 |
Angela | Angus | Complementary therapist | angelaangus23a@gmail.com
07725269584 |
Ann | Ramsay | Cold Laser
Therapist |
07761 403 148 |
Anne | Fenwick | Massage | anne.fenwick@myurbanangel.co.uk
07900 522 816 |
Callum | Ritson | Sports Massage | Caz.ritson@outlook.com
07494 264828 |
Carol | Farley | Wellbeing | CarolFarleyWellbeing@outlook.com
07912 416 041 |
Carole | Sanderson | Counselling
Therapeutic Writing |
0773 7761 570 |
Caroline | Cogdon | Counselling | caroline@cogdon.f9.co.uk
07871 598 889 |
Carolyn | Moir | Counsellor | Caz_moir@hotmail.com
07792074868 |
Charli | Brown | Hairdressing | hello@hairbycharli.co.uk |
Christine | & Inga | Energy Enhancement System | energy@healthoriginscentre.com
0191 6911585
Christine (Dr) | Price | Clinical Psychologist | christine@northumberlandpsychologist.com
07840 452 236 |
Clare | Austin | Counsellor/EMDR Practitioner | hellokindheart@gmail.com
Clare | Bates | Audiology | clarebates468@gmail.com
07801 336 416 |
Clare | Reed | Beauty Therapist | complexionsbeauty13@gmail.com
07305 114 882
Dorothy | Collinson | Clinical Sports Injury Specialist | dorblonde@hotmail.co.uk
07860 797 875 |
Edwina | Forshaw | Sound Therapist – bio-Tuning | soundtherapynortheast@gmail.com
Georgia | Fragkouli | Psychotherapist
Counsellor Bach Flower Remedies Practitioner Hypnotherapist NLP Practitioner |
Grace | Fry | Counselling | selfcentrecounselling@outlook.com |
Helen | Ingham | Speech & Language Therapist | helen@bevoiceconfident.com
0785 511 4279 |
Holly | Lynn | Psychotherapist
EMDR Practitioner |
07938 176 791 |
Holt | Hearing & Balance | enquiries@holthearingandbalance.co.uk
07960 404 877 |
Jade | Donnelly | Counselling | jade.therapy@outlook.com
07568 542 214 |
Jane | Barker | Beauty | jenjanebark1@gmail.com |
Jane | Buckley | Counselling | jane@buckleyconsult.co.uk
07713 074 568 |
James | Knox | CBT | jamesknox631@gmail.com
07592 020297 |
Janet | Pilkington | Clinical Psychology | info@psychologyone-to-one.co.uk
07595 195 516 |
Jenna (Dr) | Kirtley | Clinical Psychologist | drjkirtley@hotmail.com
Joanne | Atkinson | Children & Parent
Coaching |
07481 554 048 |
John | Neal | Food Sensitivity | johnneal_73@msn.com
07990 722 092 |
Julie | Bullen | Counselling | julie@newleafcounsellingne.co.uk
07427 381 377 |
Julie | Hindmarsh | Hypnotherapy | juliehindmarsh72@yahoo.com
07891 162 205 |
Kathryn | McHarg | Yoga Teacher | Kathrynnm4492@gmail.com
Karen | Rooke | Sports Massage | karenrooke1@gmail.com
Kate | Kingsford | Psychotherapeutic
Counsellor |
07466 599 164 |
Kerry | Quinn | Spinal Flow Technique Practitioner | Spinalflowwellbeing@gmail.com
+44 191 816 1386 |
Kim | Tserkezie | Psychotherapeutic Counsellor | therapy@kimtserkezie.com |
Laura | Currer | Wellbeing | laura.currer@outlook.com
07969 654 603 |
Lesley | Henderson | Pilates Teacher | tcypilates@gmail.com
07976 530 828
Letizia | Nodari | Counsellor & Mindfulness Tutor | lnodari@posteo.uk
Linda | Zigmundova | Massage Therapy | lzmassagetherapies@gmail.com
07853 080 715 |
Lisa | McAnelly | Sound Bath Experience | lisa@thevibetribe.co.uk
0757 238 4174 |
Loraine | Richardson | Counselling | lorainer@btinternet.com
07990 071 845 |
Lucy | Hedley | Beauty & Massage | beautybylucyhedley@gmail.com
07956 540 171 |
Luke | Ramsay | Chiropractor | lukeramsaychiropractic@gmail.com
07761 403 148 |
Malee | Khantiwong | Thai Massage | mahayanthai22@gmail.com
Mandeep | Bhabra | Speech Therapy | mbhabra.vsa@gmail.com
07765 400 040 |
Mark | Kilty | Physiotherapy | kilty23@aol.com
07853 160 804 |
Marina | Carvalho | Sex Therapist | oliveiradecarvalhomarina@gmail.com
Martin | Snaith | Skalp Micropigmentation | snaith_m@yahoo.co.uk
07825 972 942 |
Mikaela | Korth | Massage & Spiritual Healing | m.korth@korthmassagetherapy.com
Medical | Thermal Imaging | Breast & Body Imaging | info@medicalthermalimaging.uk.com
0333 800 3003
Neil | Christey | Holistic Therapist | info@thesoulsoundspirit.com
07543 268 926 |
Neo | Maka | Thai Massage | mandalaspaandaesthetic@outlook.com
0737 8401 707
Nicola | Foster | Holistic Therapist | Nicolap.foster@hotmail.co.uk
07596 688 230
Nicola | Nessworthy | Counselling | counsellingwithnikki@gmail.com
07513 886 381 |
Rachel | Forster | Hypno-Psychotherapist | rachelforsterwright@gmail.com
07471 778 214 |
Rosie | McConville | Psychotherapeutic Counsellor | rosiemcconville@proton.me
07502 744 828
Sandy | Mcauley | Child Psychiatry | sandy.macaulay@psychiatrynortheast.co.uk
07979 591 559
Sano | Physio | Physiotherapy | 0113 257 8594/ 07826 938 296
Sarah | Turner | Alternative & Holistic Therapy | soulserenity111@gmail.com
07834 562 411
Sacha | Whittaker | Counselling | sacha@sandscounsellingservices.com
07939 247 282 |
Sacha | Whittaker | Counselling | sacha@sandscounsellingservices.com
07939 247 282 |
Sadie | Mavarani | Psychotherapist | info@sadiemavarani.com
07398593854 |
Silvia | Mather | Hypnotherapy | silvia@hummingbirdmindtherapy.uk
07455 529 443 |
Sis | McKeith | Yoga Therapy | sidselmckeith@me.com
07885 720 380 |
Stevie (Dr) | Kelly | Clinical
Psychology |
Stuart | Ramage | Massage | info@bodybalancemassagetherapy.co.uk
07940 992515 |
Susan | Stone | Counselling | susan@sandersoncounsellingservices.com
07379 261 394 |
Wayne | Farage | Feldenkrais Practitioner
07825 296 498 |
VITA | Healthcare Group | Counselling &CBT
Wellbeing |
0330 0534 230