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Limiting Beliefs -Part 1 Where Do They Come From?

This post shines the light on the subject of beliefs and just how much of an effect they have on our lives If you’ve ever wondered why you stay stuck, someone else can do something you can’t or someone else goes after what they want and you don’t….then you will find this really interesting
How beliefs are formed:
☑️ we form beliefs between the ages of 0-7
☑️ they come from everything going on around us in our environment
☑️ the beliefs go directly into our unconscious mind because at that age our conscious mind hasn’t developed
☑️ as a child we have no ability to choose whether to accept or reject information
☑️ these beliefs are then programmed into our unconscious mind and become fixed like concrete
Where do they come from?
✅ Opinions and beliefs of our parents, grandparents, family members, teachers
✅ tv, radio, comics, books, our environment
Just think about the general beliefs in your family that everyone was brought up to believe and some still haven’t questioned…..for example, if most of the family are overweight – what do they really believe? Can you imagine if the belief, being big-boned runs in the family, how that passes down through generations – there is no such thing as big-boned 😳
Beliefs are something we think are 100% true and many will defend their beliefs to death. People fight over beliefs, wars have happened, people have been imprisoned or killed. We only have to look back at the shocking atrocities of Hitler or Apartheid to see how strong beliefs are and how they can influence an entire nation. Beliefs continue to grow throughout our lives.
They are thoughts we think over and over again until they are embedded in our unconscious mind. As we move through life we live from those beliefs, we see the world not as it really is but through our beliefs. There is a saying ‘we don’t see through our eyes, we see through our beliefs’. The eyes are the lens through which we see.
Of course, there are good helpful beliefs that support us in life and there are limiting beliefs that keep us stuck in fear, procrastination, and living a life we don’t really want to live. Become aware of your beliefs and what you really think about your life, which beliefs support you, and which ones limit you. Get a notebook and start to list them. Watch out this week for more information and tips on what to do about limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck or holding you back
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