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Improve Your Mindset Today


Just how does our thinking impact our lives?

Neuroscientists talk about neural pathways in our brain and there are millions of them.

Each time we have a thought, a neural connection or pathway begins to form or it fires off an already established connection.  The more we have that thought the stronger the connection or pathway becomes and they fire off each time we have that same or similar thought. Meaning we go down the same path over and over again. Programmed in our brains, these pathways become automatic. Our brain is designed this way, it conserves energy.

At one time, Neuroscientists believed that our brain was fully developed and fixed by a certain age.

Here’s the good news, New discoveries, lead to what scientists coined Neuroplasticity – meaning our brains are not fixed and continue to form new neural pathways over and over again throughout our lives.

That’s great if your thoughts are positive and work for you but so many of us have negative thoughts.

Each day our old programs are firing off and keeping us stuck or doing the same old thing and those programs determine our behaviour – ever found yourself doing the same thing over and over again, driving yourself crazy because you really don’t want to?  That’s why.

What to do?

The way to change….is to create new neural pathways.  We do this every day without thinking about it however most of those pathways don’t support us

Neural pathways are created and strengthened through repetition. How many times do we think a negative thought over and over without even realising we are creating this neural pathway and programming in the brain?

It is a simple process to build and strengthen and new neural pathway that supports us but be warned it won’t feel easy!

Why? because when we are creating new neural pathways, we are fighting against old neural pathways that keep firing off.  Old programming fighting new programming. That feels hard and we get frustrated with ourselves and give up, going right back into our comfort zone because that feels safe (whether we are happy there or not) it feels safe, it is what we know……..familiarity. Our brain likes it and it has the neural pathways to support it.

The key is to keep going even when we feel the resistance, keep thinking the same thought over and over again.  Key though, is to feel that thought. Let me explain more:

For example if you want more money, your neural pathway is already set at a certain amount and programmed into your brain.

Remember, it is repetition what you need.

  • Keep seeing the amount you want in your bank account over and over
  • What will happen in your life when you have that amount, see it all happening as if it were real and has actually happened
  • How will you ‘feel’ when you have that amount
  • Live it in your mind multiple times per day, seeing the money in your bank account, feel it as if it has actually happened.

Imagine this:

  • You are left a cottage in the country in a relatives will
  • You go there, the cottage is beautiful but the pathway to the door is overgrown with grass and weeds
  • Every time you go in and out of the door you are treading a pathway through the weeds
  • Over and over again (repetition)
  • The pathway becomes clearer, fixed and easier to walk on.

We do exactly the same when we build new neural pathways in our brain.

Here’s the good news, when you build new neural pathways that are the opposite to your old ones. e.g thinking you never have enough money and instead build a neural pathway that you always have enough, the old pathway weakens and weeds start to grow. It will be less likely to fire off.

Keep going until you have built and strengthened the new pathway with the awareness your brain will fight you as it tries to keep the old pathway.

What we create in our brain determines our life be it good or bad. The brain doesn’t know the difference. It doesn’t know this path is bad for you or that path is good for you


We have many therapies that help direct your thinking – click here

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