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Weight-loss part 6 – Choices

When it comes to weight loss what choices do I have? We hope you have learned a lot from weightloss from our blog . Firstly, we looked at: ❇️ why many people struggle ❇️ making a decision to lose weight…

Weight-loss part 5 – Beliefs

So you are thinking about losing weight? What do you really believe about that? ❎ It's going to be hard ❎ I'll never do it ❎ I've tried so many times before ❎ All my family is overweight - it's…

Weight-loss part 2 – Decisions

Have you 'really' made a decision to lose weight? Let's look at what decision really means - 'to cut off all other possibilities. So with that in mind, can you truly say hand on heart that you have 'really 'made…

What is Reiki?

May-be you've heard of Reiki but not really sure what it is..... WHAT IS REIKI? Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety. Reiki practitioners use their hands (lightly touching certain areas of the body…

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